
This page gives an overview of planned Keynote and Industrial tutorial speakers.

For the Industrial and Academic Tutorials scroll down.


Time and
Title of Presentation
Prof. Dr. Brian Norton,
Technical University of Dublin,
Dublin, Ireland
Tuesday 11:00,
Smart cyber-physical renewable energy production and use
Dr. Stefan Boschert,
Siemens Corporate Technology,
München, Germany
Tuesday 11:55,
Next generation digital twins – Digital dreams and physical realities
Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Marie Ehlers,
University of Johannesburg,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Wednesday 09:00,
B-Cells, T-Cells, and PhDs?
Dr. Ehsan T. Esfahani,
Buffalo University,
New York, USA
Wednesday 09:50,
The bridge between brains and smart robotic/cyber-physical systems
Prof. Dr. Zuhal Erden,
Atilim University,
Ankara, Turkey
Wednesday 10:40,
Bioinspired design methodology for robots: Present and future
Prof. Dr. Danny Weyns,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium
Thursday 09:00,
Engineering self-adaptive systems: From automating tasks to learning from experience
Prof. Dr. Yan Wang,
Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering,
Georgia tech, Atlanta, USA
Thursday 9:50,
Smartness, resilience, trust, and risks in cyber-physical-social systems
Prof. Dr. Petra Badke-Schaub,
Technical University of Delft,
Delft, the Netherlands
Thursday 11:00,
Design methodology in the era of smart systems
Prof. Dr. Yong Zeng,
Concordia University,
Montreal, Canada
Thursday 11:50,
Can a software system automatically evolve its algorithms?

Industrial Tutorials and Workshops

Time and
Title of Presentation
Prof. Dr. Raghu Echempati,
Kettering University,
Flint, USA
(to be scheduled),
Automotive lightweighting: Design and joining technologies and methodologies
Prof. Dr. Vistrian Mătieș,
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(to be scheduled),
Mechatronics: The Scientific Foundation of Smart and Sustainable Society Development
Dr. Frido Smulders,
Technische Universiteit Delft,
Delft, the Netherlands
(to be scheduled),
Entrepreneurial Innovation by combining design thinking and system thinking
M.Sc. Victoria Zorn,
Technische Universität Braunschweig,
Braunschweig, Germany
(to be scheduled),
Social network analysis for complex system design