(TMCE 2020)
Dear reader, it may not come as a surprise that due to the COVID-19 crisis the TMCE 2020 Symposium in Dublin, Ireland, like many other events, will not take place as originally planned. We are pleased to announce that the digital Proceedings of the International TMCE 2020 Symposium is available for open access (public download) on-line on the Symposium's website. Please click on the menu item ‘Proceedings 2020’. The Organizers came to the conclusion that this form of publication provides the highest possible visibility and facilitates the citing of the individual papers, or the Proceedings as a whole, mostly. The List of Authors is also available for download in PDF format.
Original announcement
We would like to inform you about the Thirteenth International Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering Symposium (TMCE 2020) and invite you to contribute to and participate in this forthcoming event. TMCE 2020 will be held in the City of Dublin, Ireland from 11 May until 15 May, 2020. See the call for papers page for information on when and how to submit your paper.As per the past symposia, TMCE 2020 will also offer a rich social program including a Welcome Reception on Monday, Mayorg/Civic reception on Tuesday, Gala dinner on Wednesday and Cultural Evening on Thursday in addition to the road paving professional program. More information on both the professional and programs will be added soon. On Friday there will be an Tour of Kilkenny Castle.
We would also like to inform you that the best papers submitted to TMCE 2020 will be republished in leading international journals.
Dublin, the capital of Ireland, famous for its easy going charm and cultural heritage. The city is steeped in rich history, starting with the Vikings laying its first streets in the 8th Century through 700 years of Norman occupation, English rule and the formation of the Republic of Ireland in the 1920’s. Dublin has had a rich and varied history. Evidence of this can be found in every corner of the city. From a cultural point of view, that means plenty for visitors to see, from historic sites and landmarks to famous monuments and thought-provoking museums. We trust that this venue will provide excellent conditions for a professionally high-level international symposium.Organization
The organizers of TMCE 2020 are:
Technological University Dublin
Delft University of Technology
Organizing committee
All questionsImre Horvath, Imre Horvath@tudelft.nl or
Garrett Keenaghan garrett.keenaghan@tudublin.ie