Call for Papers
Focus theme
The focus theme of the TMCE 2020 Symposium will be:“Designing and engineering of smart systems”
Within this theme, many interesting and important topics are considered such as:- Engineering issues of smart systems such as cyber-physical systems
- Understanding smartness as system characteristics
- Building awareness in smart systems
- Reasoning mechanisms for smart systems
- Functional and structural (self-)adaptation of smart systems
- Human and system interaction with smart systems
- Self-tuning, self-adaptive and self-evolving smart systems
- Model-based and data-driven control of smart systems
- Designing self.* properties of smart systems
- Managing complexity, heterogeneity, and dependability of smart systems
- Societal and sustainability issues concerning smart systems
- Advanced design and engineering methodologies for smart systems
- Understanding design thinking and system thinking
- Data analytics and knowledge mining for smart systems
- Frameworks and models for smart system design, engineering and realization
- Knowledge-intensive tools for smart system and service design and engineering
- Advance materials for smart systems and application
- Energy generation and provisioning for smart systems
- Advanced metal and non-metal additive technologies and systems
- Novel analysis, simulation and optimization methods and tools for systems design and engineering
- Socially responsive smart system engineering and education
- Development and application of smart systems in manufacturing and production
- Development and application of smart systems in mobility and transportation
- Development and application of smart systems in healthcare and rehabilitation
- Development and application of smart systems in homecare and well-being
- Development and application of smart systems in education and training
- Development and application of smart systems in sports and leisure
- Development and application of smart systems in sustainability and environment protection
- Development and application of smart systems in natural disaster avoidance and recovery
- Development and application of smart systems in agriculture and horticulture
- Development and application of smart systems in space exploration
TMCE 2020 counts on the contribution and participation of system designers and developers, artificial intelligence experts, industrial designer engineers, high-tech engineering designers, managers, product and process innovators, systems and services innovators, environments and experiences innovators, information and knowledge technology managers, engineering technology managers, quality and process engineers, engineering IT suppliers and vendors, academic researchers and students, technology transfer centers, engineering educators and industrial advisors. Further information about the currently organized Symposium and the past events can be found on the web-site of TMCE or can be requested at The Organizing Committee is waiting for your high quality scientific papers! The best contributors will be awarded and selected papers will be considered for republication in special issues of several international journals.
Submission guidelines
All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:EasyChair
The Symposium is using EasyChair ( for paper management. Please register as author and upload your paper via the easychair website at conferences/?conf=tmce2020.As in the past, at least one registration for the Symposium is required for each submitted paper. All full-length papers will be sent to at least three peer reviewers. The acceptance of the paper for publication and presentation depends on their recommendations. Accepted papers will be published in the digital Proceedings of TMCE 2020. The best papers will also be republished in leading international journals after revision. Should you have any question please do not hesitate to contact us. Please kindly forward our invitation to colleagues who may be interested in submitting papers and taking part in the Symposium. We look forward to welcoming you at TMCE 2020 in Dublin.
Every submission must be completed by a copyright tranfer form before it can be published. The copyright transfer form that can be found in de downloads section of the website.
With kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Imre Horváth, Delft University of Technology, Chairman of the TMCE Symposia |
Prof. Dr. Garret Keenaghan, Technological University Dublin Co-chairman of TMCE 2020 |